Saturday 23 July 2011

Random thoughts


Another day with another thought.
Funny bit about me is my thought process. Every day I plan my whole day. I plan when i have to sleep and when I have to get up. But, by end of the day every day it becomes as clear as crystal how environment manipulates us. 

Well manipulation is a separate topic.

Today's topic is planning.

What is planning. and why is planning required. I really wonder why humans have to plan so much well not all of us plan.

I personally feel planning is a biproduct of ambition. Plan is governed by a goal, a dream a spirit.

We plan because we want to achieve something. We want to channelize all our effort and energy towards something precious to us. Planning defines our motive. It defines how much we think and in due course of time will be willing to sacrifice to achieve what we desire.

Planning is genetically weilded in our thought process since childhood. A normal India child starting from the day he goes into school is shown a goal. A goal which is set my his parents, teachers and in some way competitive friends.

All starts with the 1st day of school No, l would say 1st day of his life. We as children are contantly reminded Life is a race. Eat or get eaten.

Let me narrow my scope just on me...

My Life started with a selection and rejection process. My moother selected me and my dad rejected me :).

Then came a looped competitive phase which was planned by SMEs of various subjects in School. Indian schooling system is a PLANNED attempt to narrow creativity, punish on mischief and rate a kid on grades. Ultimately make a child mean planned machine, who can mug up subjects score the score. A school who is best in killing is considered a best school.

When a child goes to school 1st thing he learns is plan. All his day will be planned and micro planned in electives and time to be given to each elective.

Parents plan a future for a child. The planned future depends on lot of things. To name some social reasons, ego, family tradition, office reputation and yes future planning....

Well and no one asks a child what is wants to do. My kinder garden education was A for Apple and starts with mugging the alphabets of the language without any creativity and innovation.

When I was kid I know about only 2 professions Doctor and Engineer. Fortunately was not comfortable in tearing apart living things so my obvious profession was Engineer.

Today, I am an engineer and still trying to figure out why I have to be an engineer. What loss world would have suffered if I would have chosen Photography as my profession. And I clearly know answer there would have been no impact on engineering world. But since I was stamped I had to be. 

And there come Plan again, each second of my childhood was planned to make me engineer. All time spent for education, all scoldings, promise of gifts for good exam scores, etc etc etc.

Today I am a tech lead and still wonder how when I was kid how every thing worked in perfectly planned synchronized way to make me an engineer. How all other opportunities were blocked out and only one goal was in front of me. 

Was I ignorant or it was planned......